
Our Team

The team subtitle.

Martin Trčka

“Everything is possible”

Martin is our project coordinator and mechanic. His background in Forest and Nature Conservation motivates him to make the world a better place to live in. By working to provide bicycles he hopes to promote sustainable transport, give people a sense of freedom and last but not least some fun.

Danny Moelker

“Since I built my own fixed gear bike I knew It would give me another addiction besides coffee and travelling”.

With a background in Business Engineering he is responsible for the technical and logistical part of the foundation. You recognize him on his greasy hands, messy hair and the bike in his hand.

Maikel Louwerse

“Everyone should have a bike! Bikes are awesome and it can make your life a lot easier”.

With his energetic marketing talks and the boldness in making deals he is the right guy to tell the story to the world. Sometimes his mind wanders off, but that is when the magic happens.

Mendert Oving

“I always try to design everything into perfection. I want to visualise our goals perfectly’’.

With experience in webdesign and interaction design mister creativity is responsible for telling our story online. When he is focused on his computer, leave him there! He’s creating something awesome.